Hello Folks,
As I had promised earlier, here are some more photos of the fun party for my birthday. I'll walk you through what is happenning here. Hang on tight ..... here we go...........

Ulta dekho ya seedha dekho............hum har angle se cute hain !!!
My first attempt ............. siti marne ka liye. Not very successful but I am persisting. Will let you know when I am successful.
Sharing a quiet moment with Dad. All this tech talk wears me out after a while, so I just take a break.

Peace on Earth or Channel V rocks. You decipher what I am trying to say here.
Just relaxing in my swing here while everyone was having dinner. Recharging my batteries for the next round.
You see the pleading look in my eyes. No cake on my face please........skin kharab ho jayge.
See I told you , my cake was awsome. Everyone wanted to look at it.
I like wiping my hands and face with Mummy's suit. You can't see the cake on her shoulder here but it is there... I know coz i put it there.

Give me the toys, Give me the toys, Give me the toys, Give me the toys or maybe I'll take them myself.

I got to wear a party hat for the first time. Not very comfy I must say and it did not match my dress. So I just took it off.
Getting ready to cut the cake. Hurry up, mom is saying... see how her hands move in kung fu style. No wonder Dad is standing so far away :)
Sharing a happy moment with Dad. See how happy and handsome I look without the cake on me.
Nothing like getting a ride on the shoulder. Great vista point from here. If you want to try this ride le t me know and I'll put in a word for you with Dad.
Mom and me . I'm putiing on my baby charms here. After all I need to keep the public happy. Good and friendly public apperance. Remember, appearnace matters !!!
See that sign on the wall. That is my name. spelled in English. I thought if I put it on the computer I could run it through the spell checker. It is spelled right indeed.
These are some of the guests at my party. See the kids here, they are my friends... Mugdh Bhaiya and Amarangna.
Hold me Mummy. I need a better view of everyone.
See the number 1 behind Neha and Christine Aunty. Thats how old I am today.
See I mean it when I say I was the centre of attention that day. I am so centered that you cant't even see me here.
Playing a good host to Abhishek Uncle, Neha Aunty, Tulika Aunty and Mugdh Bahiya.
~ Hope you got a good peek into all the fun we had at my party. Till next time.
~ Ciao