Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Father's day message -- for my dear Papa

I missed "Father's Day" last year,

And I missed you even more.

It hurt to be so far away from you,

The wounds were still very sore.

So I slipped the day all together,

thinking it may hurt no more.

But I still missed you,

In fact, I missed you even more.

So this year I made sure,

I did not miss "Father's Day".

I want your day to be so special,

that I sent a little messenger your way.

Aarav is Arnav's little messenger --

I sent him to remind you of the lovely dad-son moments we shared.

I asked him to tell you,

That I still love you and I still care.

So even though I'm not there to say,

"My Daddy, you're the best!"

Arnav and Aarav want to wish you

A extra ordinary Father's day - a day filled with the world's very best!!

Happy Father's Day !!


Chota Arnav and an even chota Aarav

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