How is everyone doing ? I am doing quite alright. I'm almost 15 months old and a lot has changed since I turned One. I'm graduating to higher ranks. Good job for me. 'CLAP' 'CLAP' 'CLAP'
You might be thinking, what ranks is he talking about? Let me clarify. As I have mentioned time and again I am a big boy now. So I am getting to do some of the things big boys get to do.
I finally have my own corner in Mom and Dads room. I mean my crib was always there but now I can use the adjacent wall for expressing myself and here is how I've set it up. Dreamy isn't it. It helps me to fall asleep easily and if I have trouble falling asleep I can literally count the stars. Neat, hai na.
This is my cricle of friends. I'm not quite sure if you can see but I have my giraffe, chimpanzee, teddy, rabbit, daddy and baby elephant and a doggie, all on the same wall. And look at all those stars...... I just love them.

And there is some writing there too. Not my idea, it was mom. I can't read yet so thats no good to me. I can't tell you what is says so please read for your self. And if you need help, ask MOM.
What else. Hoooooooray. I have my own car now. Last time I told you Dad was giving me driving lessons. Guess what, I have a convertible now and that too a RED one. What more can a guy ask for.
And my car is truly a car of the future. No gas crisis for me. It runs on man/woman power or should I say mom/dad power. I'm a little concerned about the low speed limits my parents have set but I'll find a way around that too. And more all my favourite songs are already pre fed into the cars music system. I have " The wheels on the car go round and round" and "Do you know the muffin man". Both are my favourite songs. I even have a weather button built in. I just checked a little while ago and it said today it will be sunny. The sun is shining bright so it is accurate. I Loooooooove my car.
Thats me, riding my convertible. Anybody need a ride ?

I think I am lost. Need some directions, Mom. How do I get to the coffee table, aage ( foward) or peeche ( back) ?

This is the efficiency I was talking about. I have woman power ( not horse power like the other outdated 20th century cars.)
I even have manpower along with woman power for my car. I wonder why they ever decided to use horses for pushing cars ?? No need for gasoline either.
Everyone is happy. Papa is happy pushing my car. I am happy riding my car.
Truly enjoying my car ride. Anyone care to join me for a ride. It's free !!!!

~ Arnav
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