Huraaay....... Rahki Hai................... Somehow no hulla gulla today and the day was very quiet. Quite unlike the other festivals I have seen so far. I remember Diwali was so much fun and Holi too. Wonder why Rakhi is so mellow. Anyway I am excited and will celebrate with full zest.
I have four older sisters. Oh great .. ...... this is such a great time to introduce them to all of you. My dad is so green with envy as he has two sisters and he gets only 2 rakhi' s every year. I on the other hand get 4 rakhi's each year. Looks like I am indeed special. I totally enjoy being the center of attention and with four cousins to dote on me....... it is quite a bit of attention.
I don't have latest snaps for all my cousins so I'll make do with with I have. This is my oldest cousin sis, Kanika Didi. I have never met her but she is real cool. She sends me all the latest Hindi songs and I love to dance to all of them. She sent me a purple Rakhi and asked me to wear it. I did wear it Didi.
Next is Ritika Didi. She is a big Sonu Nigam fan and sent me a CD of his songs. The songs are really nice too. We hear them when we are driving in the car. Thank you Ritika Didi , both for the CD and the Rakhi you sent for me.
And then its Suchi Didi. I get confused who is older between Ritika and Suchi Didi. They look alike to me. Anyway I have learnt that its not cool to ask women their age so I dare not. Thank you Suchi Didi for the Rakhi and I assure you I did wear it.
And ofcourse their is Vaishu Didi. Sometimes I wonder if I should be calling her Didi at all. She is the one in the blue dress in this photo. To me, she seems to be the same size as me. I think I can definitely play and have a fun time with her.

Finally the baby in blue is my sister Vaishu Didi.

And did I tell you how excited I was. You can see me bursting with energy here..

Bas...rakhi time is over. Utaro bahi.... I'm all done with these Rakhi's.

I think I'll have to take them off myself. One down ...... three more to go.

More from me ..... soon.
Bahiya Arnav.
Bahiya Arnav.
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